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List of fish of Oklahoma : ウィキペディア英語版
List of fish of Oklahoma
There are over 176 species of fish in the US state of Oklahoma, at least 7% of which are not native.〔Miller, R. J. and H. W. Robison. (''Fishes of Oklahoma''. ) University of Oklahoma Press. 2004.〕
Species include:
*Alabama shad (''Alosa alabamae'')
*Alligator gar (''Atractosteus spatula'')
*American eel (''Anguilla rostrata'')
*American gizzard shad (''Dorosoma cepedianum'')
*Arkansas darter (''Etheostoma cragini'')
*Arkansas River shiner (''Notropis girardi'')
*Banded darter (''Etheostoma zonale'')
*Banded pygmy sunfish (''Elassoma zonatum'')
*Banded sculpin (''Cottus carolinae'')
*Bantam sunfish (''Lepomis symmetricus'')
*Bigeye chub (''Hybopsis amblops'')
*Bigeye shiner (''Notropis boops'')
*Bigmouth buffalo (''Ictiobus cyprinellus'')
*Black buffalo (''Ictiobus niger'')
*Black bullhead (''Ameiurus melas'')
*Black crappie (''Pomoxis nigromaculatus'')
*Black redhorse (''Moxostoma duquesni'')
*Blackside darter (''Percina maculata'')
*Blackspot shiner (''Notropis atrocaudalis'')
*Blackspotted topminnow (''Fundulus olivaceus'')
*Blackstripe topminnow (''Fundulus notatus'')
*Blacktail shiner (''Cyprinella venusta'')
*Blue catfish (''Ictalurus furcatus'')
*Blue sucker (''Cycleptus elongatus'')
*Bluegill (''Lepomis macrochirus'')
*Bluehead shiner (''Pteronotropis hubbsi'')
*Bluntface shiner (''Cyprinella camura'')
*Bluntnose darter (''Etheostoma chlorosomum'')
*Bluntnose minnow (''Pimephales notatus'')
*Bowfin (''Amia calva'')
*Brindled madtom (''Noturus miurus'')
*Brook silverside (''Labidesthes sicculus'')
*Brown bullhead (''Ameiurus nebulosus'')
*Brown trout (''Salmo trutta'')
*Bullhead minnow (''Pimephales vigilax'')
*Cardinal shiner (''Luxilus cardinalis'')
*Carmine shiner (''Notropis percobromus'')
*Central stoneroller (''Campostoma anomalum'')
*Chain pickerel (''Esox niger'')
*Channel catfish (''Ictalurus punctatus'')
*Channel darter (''Percina copelandi'')
*Chestnut lamprey (''Ichthyomyzon castaneus'')
*Chub shiner (''Notropis potteri'')
*Common carp (''Cyprinus carpio'')
*Common logperch (''Percina caprodes'')
*Common shiner (''Luxilus cornutus'')
*Creek chub (''Semotilus atromaculatus'')
*Creek chubsucker (''Erimyzon oblongus'')
*Creole darter (''Etheostoma collettei'')
*Crystal darter (''Crystallaria asprella'')
*Cypress darter (''Etheostoma proeliare'')
*Cypress minnow (''Hybognathus hayi'')
*Dollar sunfish (''Lepomis marginatus'')
*Dusky darter (''Percina sciera'')
*Emerald shiner (''Notropis atherinoides'')
*Fantail darter (''Etheostoma flabellare'')
*Fathead minnow (''Pimephales promelas'')
*Flathead catfish (''Pylodictis olivaris'')
*Flathead chub (''Platygobio gracilis'')
*Flathead mullet (''Mugil cephalus'')
*Flier (''Centrarchus macropterus'')
*Freckled madtom (''Noturus nocturnus'')
*Freshwater drum (''Aplodinotus grunniens'')
*Ghost shiner (''Notropis buchanani'')
*Golden redhorse (''Moxostoma erythrurum'')
*Golden shiner (''Notemigonus crysoleucas'')
*Golden topminnow (''Fundulus chrysotus'')
*Goldeye (''Hiodon alosoides'')
*Goldfish (''Carassius auratus auratus'')
*Goldstripe darter (''Etheostoma parvipinne'')
*Grass pickerel (''Esox americanus vermiculatus'')
*Gravel chub (''Erimystax x-punctatus'')
*Green sunfish (''Lepomis cyanellus'')
*Greenside darter (''Etheostoma blennioides'')
*Harlequin darter (''Etheostoma histrio'')
*Highfin carpsucker (''Carpiodes velifer'')
*Hybrid striped bass (''Morone chrysops'' × ''M. saxatilis'')
*Inland silverside (''Menidia beryllina'')
*Ironcolor shiner (''Notropis chalybaeus'')
*Johnny darter (''Etheostoma nigrum'')
*Kiamichi shiner (''Notropis ortenburgeri'')
*Lake chubsucker (''Erimyzon sucetta'')
*Largemouth bass (''Micropterus salmoides'')
*Largescale stoneroller (''Campostoma oligolepis'')
*Least darter (''Etheostoma microperca'')
*Leopard darter (''Percina pantherina'')
*Longear sunfish (''Lepomis megalotis'')
*Longnose darter (''Percina nasuta'')
*Longnose gar (''Lepisosteus osseus'')
*Lowland topminnow (''Fundulus blairae'')
*Mexican tetra (''Astyanax mexicanus'')
*Mimic shiner (''Notropis volucellus'')
*Mississippi silvery minnow (''Hybognathus nuchalis'')
*Mooneye (''Hiodon tergisus'')
*Eastern mosquitofish (''Gambusia holbrooki'')
*Western mosquitofish (''Gambusia affinis'')
*Mountain madtom (''Noturus eleutherus'')
*Mud darter (''Etheostoma asprigene'')
*Neosho madtom (''Noturus placidus'')
*Northern hogsucker (''Hypentelium nigricans'')
*Northern pike (''Esox lucius'')
*Northern studfish (''Fundulus catenatus'')
*Orangebelly darter (''Etheostoma radiosum'')
*Orangespotted sunfish (''Lepomis humilis'')
*Orangethroat darter (''Etheostoma spectabile'')
*Ouachita Mountain shiner (''Lythrurus snelsoni'')
*Ozark cavefish (''Amblyopsis rosae'')
*Ozark minnow (''Notropis nubilus'')
*Pallid shiner (''Hybopsis amnis'')
*Peppered shiner (''Notropis perpallidus'')
*Pirate perch (''Aphredoderus sayanus'')
*Plains killifish (''Fundulus zebrinus'')
*Plains minnow (''Hybognathus placitus'')
*Plains topminnow (''Fundulus sciadicus'')
*Prairie chub (''Macrhybopsis australis'')
*Pugnose minnow (''Opsopoeodus emiliae'')
*Quillback (''Carpiodes cyprinus'')
*Rainbow trout (''Oncorhynchus mykiss'')
*Red River pupfish (''Cyprinodon rubrofluviatilis'')
*Red River shiner (''Notropis bairdi'')
*Red shiner (''Cyprinella lutrensis'')
*Redbreast sunfish (''Lepomis auritus'')
*Redear sunfish (''Lepomis microlophus'')
*Redfin darter (''Etheostoma whipplei'')
*Redfin shiner (''Lythrurus umbratilis'')
*Redspot chub (''Nocomis asper'')
*Redspot darter (''Etheostoma artesiae'')
*Redspotted sunfish (''Lepomis miniatus'')
*Ribbon shiner (''Lythrurus fumeus'')
*River carpsucker (''Carpiodes carpio'')
*River darter (''Percina shumardi'')
*River redhorse (''Moxostoma carinatum'')
*River shiner (''Notropis blennius'')
*Rock bass (''Ambloplites rupestris'')
*Rocky shiner (''Notropis suttkusi'')
*Rosyface shiner (''Notropis rubellus'')
*Sand shiner (''Notropis stramineus'')
*Sauger (''Sander canadensis'')
*Scaly sand darter (''Ammocrypta vivax'')
*Shadow bass (''Ambloplites ariommus'')
*Shoal chub (''Macrhybopsis hyostoma'')
*Shorthead redhorse (''Moxostoma macrolepidotum'')
*Shortnose gar (''Lepisosteus platostomus'')
*Shovelnose sturgeon (''Scaphirhynchus platorynchus'')
*Silver chub (''Macrhybopsis storeriana'')
*Silverband shiner (''Notropis shumardi'')
*Skipjack shad (''Alosa chrysochloris'')
*Slender madtom (''Noturus exilis'')
*Slenderhead darter (''Percina phoxocephala'')
*Slim minnow (''Pimephales tenellus'')
*Slough darter (''Etheostoma gracile'')
*Smallmouth bass (''Micropterus dolomieu'')
*Smallmouth buffalo (''Ictiobus bubalus'')
*Southern brook lamprey (''Ichthyomyzon gagei'')
*Southern redbelly dace (''Chrosomus erythrogaster'')
*Speckled darter (''Etheostoma stigmaeum'')
*Spotfin shiner (''Cyprinella spiloptera'')
*Spotted bass (''Micropterus punctulatus'')
*Spotted gar (''Lepisosteus oculatus'')
*Spotted sucker (''Minytrema melanops'')
*Steelcolor shiner (''Cyprinella whipplei'')
*Stippled darter (''Etheostoma punctulatum'')
*Stonecat (''Noturus flavus'')
*Striped bass (''Morone saxatilis'')
*Striped shiner (''Luxilus chrysocephalus'')
*Suckermouth minnow (''Phenacobius mirabilis'')
*Swamp darter (''Etheostoma fusiforme'')
*Tadpole madtom (''Noturus gyrinus'')
*Taillight shiner (''Notropis maculatus'')
*Threadfin shad (''Dorosoma petenense'')
*Walleye (''Sander vitreus'')
*Warmouth (''Lepomis gulosus'')
*Wedgespot shiner (''Notropis greenei'')
*Western sand darter (''Ammocrypta clara'')
*White bass (''Morone chrysops'')
*White crappie (''Pomoxis annularis'')
*White sucker (''Catostomus commersonii'')
*Yellow bass (''Morone mississippiensis'')
*Yellow bullhead (''Ameiurus natalis'')
*Yellow perch (''Perca flavescens'')

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